Sunday, September 28, 2008

On Anything

These topics that have no direction, no limitations, no topics, drive me crazy! My initial thought is, "Sweet! I can write/present on anything!" Then, when I actually sit down to do the assignment, I feel clueless as to what I should write about. I end up staring at my computer screen, not sure of what to do. It's kinda sad actually. I wish I didn't desire to have so much structure in assignments. I guess knowing what is expected makes a project easier because there are guidelines to follow. Without guidelines, it's hard to know what type of work will receive the better grade. An open assignment should give me the freedom to be creative and take whatever ideas I have and run with. More projects should be open like this in grade school to encourage creativity and reward the students who truly work hard on them.

Completing an unspecific task is kind of liberating. It feels good to know that I completed a project that was completely my idea, to know that it has "my flavor" to it.


Crina A said...

I totally agree with your frustration with unstructured assignments! I would much rather be told what to do.
This comment is to also let you know that I wrote about your presentation in my blog. What made your presentation so good was that you seemed to enjoy your topic. I will forever remember you whenever I make your Chocolate Chip Cheesecake :)

kendal said...

Hey Kit, I am not sure if I am posting this in the right place, but I wanted you to know I wrote about your powerpoint presentation on my blog. Your cheesecake was amazing, and I hope that when I attempt it, it will be as good!! :-)
